Who we are
Join usThe Polish HR Forum is the most influential employer organization representing the employment agency market. Since 2002 it has been working to build an effective labor market by promoting sustainable development of services in the area of widely understood human resources. Recognized social partner in Poland and Europe.
The members of the Polish HR Forum employ over 2,500 people of internal staff in more than 300 offices throughout the country. Last year, they supported nearly 300,000 jobs, both in the form of temporary work, permanent recruitment and posting abroad.
Download statute
We take care of the labor market development

We review and intervene

We educate

We analyse and provide information

We build the image of the industry

We support member companies
Code of conduct
- The Code regulates the rules of performing services and the rules of co-operation of employment agencies, being member companies of Polskie Forum HR – an Association of Employers (the “Association”), binding on all members of the Association.
- The rules of operation of the Association, the terms and conditions of admitting new members or dismissing the existing ones are determined in the Statute.
- The failure to comply with the rules provided for in the Code may result in dismissing a given member from the Association.
- Member companies will promote the rules of the Code among all partners that they co-operate with.
- The mode of operation of member companies should always be governed by due care for the reputation of the employment agencies sector, both in terms of ethical and professional standards.
- Any disputes related to the application of the Code of Ethics will be settled in accordance with the “Procedure for Reporting and Settling Complaints” adopted by the Association.
When providing employment agency services, member companies and their employees must comply with all applicable legal regulations, both of a statutory and non-statutory nature as well as official rules of conduct. Member companies are obliged to follow any amendments to legal regulations and to comply with them when performing services.
a) Whatever the type of employment agency services provided, member companies undertake to complete all tasks related to their co-operation with candidates and clients as well as other employment agencies, whether they are members of the Association or not, in accordance with the principle of integrity.
b) When representing a job seeker or a client seeking employees, a member company undertakes not to make any deliberately false or inaccurate statements, not to conceal any facts that may be important to the parties or make complaints that are not based on justified grounds.
c) When seeking candidates and publishing offers, member companies undertake to use job offers reflecting the actual employment conditions and concerning positions with reference to which they hold documented qualifications to perform the recruitment process, whatever the means of communication used.
d) All costs, fees and additional services connected with the performance of a given order must be presented to the client in a clear and detailed manner before its consent to establish co-operation may be obtained or before any activities pertaining to the performance of the entrusted task may be carried out.
e) Member companies are required to document all essential stages of activity in accordance with binding labour law provisions and instructions resulting from good practices adopted by the Association.
f) As regards advertising and marketing activities, member companies are required to present the potential benefits that may be gained by candidates and clients from the services provided with a sense of realism and objectiveness.
a) Member companies undertake to comply with the principles of reliability, professionalism, justice and integrity as concerns the obligation of confidentiality and privacy of information towards both job seekers and clients, as required by binding legal regulations and the good practices adopted.
b) Member companies and their employees must process and store the personal data, as required by binding legal regulations.
a) In terms of co-operation with job seekers, clients and other partners, member companies undertake to follow guidelines resulting from human rights and applicable legal provisions, treating these parties without prejudice and discrimination. In particular, any discrimination because of sex, age, disability, race, religion, nationality, political beliefs, union membership, ethnic origin, faith, sexual orientation is strictly forbidden. In addition, member companies undertake not to perform any activities based on discriminatory instructions given by clients and commit to promoting the principle of respect for diversity among their clients.
b) Member companies and their employees undertake to treat both job seekers and clients with dignity and respect, and to ensure that they receive equal treatment on the basis of their professional qualifications and objective business criteria. c) Member companies should implement procedures to secure against the use of non-ethical or illicit discriminatory practices.
a) Member companies undertake to ensure due care when evaluating the risks to which job seekers and clients may be exposed and will not intentionally put their interests at stake.
b) Member companies undertake to provide job seekers with exhaustive information whenever there is a realistic risk that commencing work on the position offered may expose their health or safety to any danger.
a) Member companies undertake to provide job seekers with detailed information on the job position offered, in accordance with the best knowledge of the client and after obtaining its express consent.
b) Member companies undertake not to perform any activities that could put the prospected employment of the candidate job seeker at risk in a dishonest or illegal manner.
c) Member companies undertake not to perform any activities that could discourage or deter candidates in a dishonest or illegal manner from seeking employment by using other sources of job offers.
a) Member companies undertake to provide clients with all available information that may be necessary to make the decision to select a given employee.
b) Member companies undertake not to perform any activities that could discourage or deter clients in a dishonest or illegal manner from seeking employees by using other sources of offers.
a) Member companies undertake to make every effort to maintain and develop a satisfactory level of relevant and up-to-date professional knowledge of their employed staff.
b) Member companies will ensure that the employees in charge of the recruitment projects they perform posses the relevant qualifications and have been adequately trained.
a) Member companies providing temporary employment services undertake to comply with rules set in the Temporary Employment Standards of the Association, and in particular:
i. undertake to provide temporary employees with reliable information concerning the character of the agreement signed and to make them aware that the member company is the official employer and is responsible for paying remuneration and regulating any social insurance charges resulting from employment.
ii. undertake to provide candidates with detailed information concerning the specific character and the conditions of temporary employment, the amount of remuneration and the manner and frequency of determining and paying it, in accordance with the requirements resulting from applicable regulations.
iii. undertake to pay any remuneration and any payable benefits in due time and in accurate amounts, in accordance with the agreed contractual conditions and legal regulations.
b) Member companies will not enter into obligations that could threaten the payment of the due remuneration to the employees of the agency.
a) Member companies involved in international recruitment processes undertake to comply with all rules set under rule No 6, the scope of which is additionally extended to include information on the costs of living in the specific location of the potential employer and the anticipated duration of the contract, as advised by the client to the member company.
b) Member companies involved in international recruitment processes undertake to comply with the relevant legal regulations applicable in the state hosting the employee and concerning the conditions of his or her employment. Exhaustive information on the matter will be provided to job seekers, clients and other partners.
c) Member companies recruiting employees from outside of Poland undertake not to co-operate with intermediaries charging fees for their services, unless such fees result from the regulations applicable in the state where they carry out activities. Furthermore, member companies undertake to make every endeavour to verify the rules of operation of the intermediaries used and must be able to demonstrate that such efforts have been made.
d) In their co-operation with job seekers, member companies involved in international recruitment processes should comply with rules of social responsibility, reliability, professionalism, justice and integrity.
a) Member companies, in co-operation with other agencies being members of the Association or not, undertake to act with due respect for partners and to create conditions of honest co-operation and an environment conducive to free competition.
b) Member companies will co-operate together to fully perform the tasks entrusted to the Association and act jointly or in co-operation with all members of the Association before public authorities, organisations, media and public institutions.
c) Members declare that they will co-operate jointly to gradually raise quality standards of the services provided and to comply with ethical rules in the course of their activities.
d) In their mutual relations, member companies will follow legal provisions, principles of social cohabitation and good commercial practices.
e) The activities performed by member companies may not limit the principle of free competition and the rights of candidates and clients to choose freely the employment agency.
f) It is forbidden to enter into agreements under which member companies may be led to infringe rules specified in item e). Such activities will be considered as cases of conduct contradictory to the Code of Ethics.
g) Member companies declare their readiness to settle any disputes arising from the performance of their statutory activities in accordance with the “Procedure for Reporting and Settling Complaints” adopted by the Association.